Martín Lombardomlomb

Software Engineer & Fullstack Developer

I build robust applications and open source software.


I develop applications for the web and other general software. I have a passion for details and raw performance. Every time I can, I try to build my projects in the open-source community. These days, I'm freelancing while exploring new product ideas. I recently completed my master's thesis in Computer Science@UBA, and I'm always looking for exciting new opportunities!

Do you want to build something with me or simply want to chat? You can find me on Discord as mlomb, or you can reach out at!

Experience & Projects

  1. Jun 2018 — Present
    Working building medium-sized web applications, delivering end-to-end solutions from gathering requirements to deployment. While each client has unique needs, I primarily work with the PERN stack, TypeScript, and Prisma. Provided specialized solutions such as 3D model processing and rendering. Also worked with local payment processors.
    • TypeScript
    • React
    • Next.js
    • Three.js
    • Prisma ORM
    • Postgres
    • Redis
    • Node.js
    • ...
  2. Apr 2021 — Present

    An open-source web application that analyzes chat contents to generate interactive reports! To guarantee privacy, the app has to process everything in the browser (potentially GBs of data), which was a hard technical task. It was made with React, TypeScript and with heavy use of Web Workers. It supports Discord, Telegram, WhatsApp and more. 12k+ reports generated.

    • TypeScript
    • React
    • WebWorkers
    • Data Compression
  3. Mar 2023 — PRESENT

    A SaaS platform to upload and share 3D models of treatment plans for dental aligners. This is a derived work from one of my freelance projects, currently with small and big multinational clients across Latin America, with thousands of cases each month.

    • TypeScript
    • React
    • Three.js
    • Express.js
    • Prisma ORM
    • Postgres
    • C++
  4. Apr 2024 — PRESENT
    In development
    A web game in development, where players start with the four
    classical elements
    and combine them to create new and more complex concepts, building a tree of discoveries. It is based on the existing game Infinity Craft, but extended with statistics, collections, leaderboards, sync across devices, and a better UI/UX overall.
    • Rust
    • Axum
    • sqlx
    • Postgres
    • TypeScript
    • React
    • Tailwind
    • Motion
  5. Mar 2020 — Sep 2021
    A counting API made with TypeScript, Express and Redis. Over 6 billion requests processed until its acquisition. Extremely optimized to run on a cheap machine. It used Lua scripting (Redis' scripting language) to maximize performance. CountAPI was acquired by APILayer in November 2021.
    • Express.js
    • Redis
    • TypeScript
    • Node.js
    • Lua
  6. Sep 2018 — Oct 2021
    An online game where you control the distance of 3 orbs around you to attack or avoid enemies. The game was written in C++ using my personal game engine and a custom network protocol on top of WebSockets. As of today, it has 1.2M+ plays and 12k+ users have registered.
    • C++
    • TypeScript
    • React
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • Postgres
    • WebSockets
    • WASM
  7. Dec 2018 — Oct 2021

    A Discord and Telegram bot where users can search, upload and play sound buttons. Users are able to play buttons directly in their voice channels, using the website. The bot was added in 1000+ guilds with 36k+ users. It has accumulated 14M+ playbacks. Later on, Discord added the soundboard functionality, which ultimately killed the project.

    • Next.js
    • TypeScript
    • React
    • Sequelize.js
    • MariaDB
    • WebSockets
    • Redis
    • Discord

More projects

ProjectBuilt with

Developed a classic chess engine with a neural network evaluation (NNUE) and a pipeline to train it. The goal was to test novel board encodings and try a promising new-ish approach to training. Read more about it in the dissertation.

  • Rust
  • Python
  • Pytorch
Private repo

Tools for building competitive bots for CodinGame and other platforms, focused on good DX. It allows bundling code, running automated tournaments, doing parameter optimization and more. It can leverage compute in the local network using P2P. Unreleased for now.

  • Rust
  • libp2p
  • P2P

Generate plain C++ code for inference of ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange) models without dependencies.

  • Python
  • C++
  • onnx
Private repo

Train NNs to play games with the Alpha(Go) Zero technique. Then convert the Keras model to bare minimum C++ code to do inference in CodinGame (with 100k char limit, time limit, and other restrictions). Currently used in the Connect4 (7x9) multiplayer.

alphazero-cg image
alphazero-cg image
alphazero-cg image
  • C++
  • Python
  • Keras
A light retained UI for C++ with XML and CSS support. Focused in generating geometry.
  • C++
An online 2D top-down shooter game with evolving geometric tanks. It shared most of the code with my game ORBz.
  • C++
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Postgres
  • Redis
TypeScript library to manage complex real-time leaderboards using Redis. Heavily optimized using pipelining and Lua scripts.
  • TypeScript
  • Lua
  • Redis

A page to analyze bots, check statistics, track records and have live feeds for the Halite 2018 AI Challenge competition held by Two Sigma.

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • MySQL

A page to track the progress of the 2018 Summer sale event organized by Steam.

  • JavaScript
Generate C++ reflection information and enable serialization/deserialization with the least or -zero- manual code possible (and without RTTI).
  • C++
  • CMake
My personal graphics engine, which I used for my games. It is cross-platform, with multi-API support. Supports WebGL, OpenGL and Direct3D 11.
OrbitEngine image
OrbitEngine image
OrbitEngine image
  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • Direct3D11
My solutions to programming problems of various sites (Codeforces, SPOJ, etc).
  • C++

Java bindings to the FreeType library using JNI.

  • Java
  • C++
A program to speed up the process of claiming Bitcoin faucets during its boom in 2016 (in exchange for a %). Since it hid the ads, it was not profitable for faucet owners. The market eventually died, not sure if I was one of the causes 😅
  • C#
  • WinForms
  • PHP
Minecraft Launcher made in Java from scratch. Developed making reverse engineering in the official one. For personal use and learning purposes, of course.
  • Java
And other projects that I'm not comfortable/allowed to share publicly :)